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Dissecting the Problem with Creating Hands in AI Image Generators

4 Mins read

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has succeeded in generating images, completely changing how digital art is being created and developed. AI image generators such as DALL-E, Artbreeder, and FancyTech have effectively redefined the domain, generating complex yet visually powerful images solely on a basic textual description. Regardless, even with the help of these innovations AI still struggles in certain highly-detailed areas – one such thing being rendering human hands. This article will discuss how the pain of “hands” is one of the typical problems for image generator AI and describe more detailed difficulties caused by machine learning models that hinder exact human body replication.

Digital generated image of a hand with dark skin tone going through the portal and touching robotic hand. Metaverse and Web 3.0 concept.

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The Complexity of Human Hands

One of the most complex and functional parts of the body, human hands play a role in nearly every activity we engage in. Biologically speaking, the hand is an anatomical wonder consisting of 27 bones, muscles, joints, and skin that can produce a wide range of motion and postures. Hands can express countless emotions and deeds, from a gentle caress to an iron grip; rendering them imperative for nonverbal communication.

Structural Complexity

The human hand is an anatomical wonder, made up of 27 bones and numerous muscles, tendons & ligaments that are amazingly capable of providing a wonderful range of movement and dexterity. Taking this complex anatomy and making it look natural is a large hurdle for AI. Current technologies often stumble at the task of accurately understanding and mimicking proportions, relationships, relative sizes, etc., between even just these few structures for example.

Variability in Appearance

No two hands are the same. The unique appeal of hands comes from the individual variation in terms of size, shape, or skin tone and even more subtle things like wrinkles and veins. This variability requires AI systems to be extremely flexible and work with large amounts of data for them to learn well from all of the diversity.

AI Training and Data Challenges

For AI image generators, a lot of their ability comes from the datasets used to train them. These datasets need to be large and varied enough to effectively train the AI on a broad array of hand positions, types, and interactions.

Inadequate Training Data

One of the main issues is having a variety of data for training. A simpler explanation is that there were not enough images of hands in different positions and angles across most datasets to give the AI a proper education This produces hands that at many times appear contorted or anatomically strange, as the AI struggles to generate them properly head-on or in a new position it has not experienced.

Complex Interactions

Hands are rarely ever in isolation – they interact with many objects and show up in countless situations. Training an AI to comprehend and mimic these interactions involves more than simply recognizing hand poses, but how hands interact with different objects and environments as well. That is quite a high level of contextual understanding which calls for sophisticated algorithms that can process and reconstruct information over multiple layers of data.

From a technical perspective, we may consider these limits to differ from models like GPT-3 for example.

Indeed, AI technologies have gotten better at generating full images of people with their hands but remain far from perfect.

Resolution and Detail Levels

As we can see, fine details are challenging either because of the resolution available in the initial image set or come from intrintrinsic restrictions imposed by neural networks. Hands are often the details in such small formats that they get minimized away, or just not drawn properly, making them less realistic.

Bias in AI Training

The bias exists as a byproduct of the training data that its AI systems are exposed to. If the AI sees many more hands in one style than another it will have to represent these differences and may thus produce less accurate outputs when everything else is identical. However, this bias results in an incomplete set of hand images that are produced by the AI so it may not create a diverse and accurate generation as input.

AI Art: Looking Ahead

Rendering human hands by AI was one of the many ongoing areas canned in research. Following this, potential developments could involve:

Data Augmentation: Creating more complete and varied datasets with higher resolution hand images, depicting different hand poses and interactions.

Detail Model Architectures: These will be modified neural network arrangements that can deal with the complexity of human anatomy and contextual interactions effectively.

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Cross-disciplinary methods: Combining details of anatomy, anthropology, and art to better teach the AI about human hands.


The challenge that AI image generative systems have rendering hands is deeply rooted in the biological complexity of our fingers, how different they may seem from each other, and their elusiveness to current weak models. The advancement of AI technology should also allow the performance of complex visual tasks to further continue. Using more advanced machine learning, paired with better training methods and data sets will ultimately lead to higher fidelity AI-generated images that can faithfully reproduce the nuanced complexity of human hands.

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